July 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Prayer Partners,

Ps. 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.”

Each year, our schedule takes us many miles around America, visiting God’s churches. We have a plan, a time, and a place. But sometimes, God changes our plan because He has a better plan.

On May 27, my mom stepped into heaven. We had just finished a meeting in Hyannis, Nebraska, and were soon heading to Casper, Wyoming. I got the call early that morning, and instead of heading for Wyoming, we turned our truck toward Wichita, Kansas. My sisters and I decided Mom’s going-home celebration would be held on Thursday. That meant we would have two long traveling days, Friday and Saturday, to make it to Casper for Sunday services. I called my friend, Bro. Jeff Matney to ask if we might change the schedule and be with them on Wednesday. He chuckled and told me it would be great as he would not be in service and needed someone to fill in for him. God knew that would work better for all.

Then I called Bro. Jeff Girdner in Lincoln, Nebraska to see if we could attend their services on Sunday. Lincoln is only four hours from Wichita, and that would give us Friday to wind up all the funeral loose-ends before we headed out on Saturday. Bro. Girdner shared with me that we were an answer to prayer. Only moments before my call, he had told his wife he did not think he could preach on Sunday as he had hurt his back, and the pain was excruciating. He would love to have us come and fill his pulpit. And…God was so good…A young man accepted Christ as his Saviour that Sunday morning. It was one of those times when the sowing, the watering, and the growing had already been done. We got to be the custom cutters!

And Divine appointments? While in Kelso, WA I went to get ice at the local convenience store. Before I could get in the store, a woman stopped me and asked if I was the cowboy preacher. It does say cowboypreacher.com on the rails of my truck, so I admitted I was the one. God had prepared her. The death of her husband had broken her heart, and she needed to know that heaven is real and that God gave his only Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for her sins. Yes, we can know if we are going to heaven, and now she knows. She asked Jesus Christ to forgive her sins and save her soul. Again…God knew where I needed to be and why I needed to be there!

We continue to see God’s hand on our ministry. While traveling on I-5 in Washington headed for Puyallup, we blew the outside dual on the driver’s side of our truck. After 3 different people offering help we were able to get the spare mounted on the truck (thank you Les Schwab Tire Co.) which allowed us to arrive at our destination. Upon inspection of the 4 tires, the friendly Discount Tire rep informed me that because of road hazard coverage, the blown tire was free and the other tires were discounted so (instead of over $1,000.00) all was done for $700.00! And, we found out that a special offering had been given to cover $500.00 of that amount! We have a great God!

As my wife and I travel, our prayer will always be: “Lord, please order our footsteps! 

Thank you for your faithful support of monthly support & Prayers

His servants,
Greg & Sandy Waggoner