Wondering While Wandering (12 of Sandy's Readings)

$19.00 each


The man in the shadows beside The Beggar spoke, "Son, I believe he is the the last to come. Are you ready to do this?"

The Beggar nodded. "I have to try. There are not many who get a chance like this."

The man gave his approval. "I will wait here for you, Son. Remember, I have your back."

"Thank you."

The Beggar took a gulf of air and walked toward the gate but stopped when the dogs surrounded him. Some snarled low while others whined. The old grey dog slunk to his side and licked at The Beggar's foot. The man bent down to scuff the dog behind his ears, "You remember me, don't you, Ole Boy?"

The grey dog whined and flopped his mangy tail. The Beggar reached into his cloak and pulled out a treat he had saved for this dog. "Here you go, Ole Boy. I did not forget you, either."